2012년 6월 10일 일요일

[Smart WiFi]- 2. Smart Connect

[Smart WiFi]- 2. Smart Connect

01 |  Auto AP Connection

Smart Connect provides a one-click auto AP connection option.
02) Try to automatically connect to the optimal AP by using Prioritization Considering Signal Strength and Channel Interference. If there is no available AP, try to connect to AP through 03) ‘Auto AP Connection’ of Smart Connect. When connected to AP, check whether the Internet is available through 04) ‘Check Internet Availability.’ Users can automatically connect to the AP of his or her choice using Smart Connect functions. 

02 |  Prioritization Considering Signal Strength and Channel Interference

With the number of smartphone users rapidly increasing, telecom service providers are indiscriminately developing APs.
With the number of smartphone users rapidly increasing, telecom service providers are indiscriminately developing APs. There are 14 channels for 2.4Ghz Wi-Fi, and there is channel interference among channels. This means that a user may be affected by frequency interference when there are multiple APs in channels with similar frequencies, no matter how strong the AP signal is. In such cases, a user may have problems with connection and data communication.

[Frequency Interference of 2.4GHz Wireless LAN by Channel]

To deal with this problem, Smart Connect prioritizes APs for users considering signal strength and channel interference of APs, and enables auto AP connections based on the priority. 
Smart Connect tries to connect to the AP with the strongest signal and the lowest frequency interference first, and tries to automatically connect to the second-priority AP if the first-priority AP connection fails. This method enables a higher connection rate than connection to APs considering only signal strength, and allows for more efficient Wi-Fi use. 

  * Patent applied for formulas and algorithms for prioritization.

03 States of Auto AP Connection

After prioritization of APs, APs are classified into various stages according to open/security-locked mode and profile data, because a user cannot access the security-locked APs with high priority without knowing the AP connection data (password).
Smart Connect classifies priority APs into three stages as follows:

1. Connection to open/security-locked APs with profiles
Smart Connect tries to connect to the APs to which the user has tried to connect previously (the APs with profiles) according to the priority, regardless of open/security-locked mode. Smart Connect identifies the APs with profiles as the APs frequently used by the user, and tries to access to the AP with the highest sensitivity.

2. Connection to open APs without profiles
If no available APs have been identified at the above stage, Smart Connect tries to access the open APs with high priority to which the user has not tried to connect. 

3. Connection to security-locked APs through the Wi-Fi Server
If there are no available APs, Smart Connect requests for connection data to the security-locked AP to the Smart Wi-Fi server.

As Smart Connect classifies APs with high priority into various stages according to the data of the APs and tries to connect to the APs with the highest success rates, a user may quickly and easily access the APs.

04 | Check Internet Availability

When connected to an AP through the above steps, check Internet availability.
If Internet availability is confirmed, Smart Connect Settings are completed.  

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